Apr 22

If You Don’t Like The World You’re Living In…

I grew up listening to Prince. So much great music, some of it… can we say?… Inspired?

The news of his death is shocking, as every death really is. Sometimes, in those moments when life seems to be going well, and I forget there’s a whole world outside my perception, I forget that people die. Then, I get whacked in the gut, again.

From his song, “Let’s Go Crazy,” Prince suggests:

If you don’t like the world you’re livin’ in, take a look around you. At least you got friends.

I hope that is true for you. It is certainly true for me. It’s the people around us that get us through life. It’s the people around us that make this world tolerable, until we move on to whatever we move on to.

So, take a look around you. No, our world isn’t perfect; for a lot of people, the world is misery. But we, all of us, together, can move to change that. Not for ourselves, even though it feels good. Not for recognition, though that’s nice. Not for reward. But because it’s the right thing to do.

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