We all want to feel like the time and money we donate to charities is improving or saving lives. So our primary work is finding those charities and giving them our dimes.
Each month, you will be presented with at least three charities. These charities have demonstrated efficiency and effectiveness in the utilization of their financial and human resources.
You vote for the one that most appeals to you. For example, one month the options might be a charity that benefits humans, one that benefits animals, and one that benefits the environment. You will then vote for the one that most tugs at your heart. Then, when all our members have voted, we give the money away. The first place charity gets 50% of our dimes. The second place charity gets 30%, and third place gets the remaining 20%. Every charity wins!
We will not feature charities whose sole purpose is religious evangelism or political activism. Our purpose at Give-A-Dime is all-inclusive and not strictly confined to one particular worldview, except this: a desire to bring peace and joy to the suffering and the less fortunate. See our Sample Charities blog post for examples of the worthy charities we want to help.